Latest News and Events

  • EEH holds Bus Symposium

    England's Economic Heartland held its Bus Symposium 2023 at Stockwood Discovery Centre in Luton on 15 September.

    The event, attended by EEH Board members, heard from a number of expert speakers from national and local government and bus operators about what can be done to increase patronage and ensure bus journeys make a vital contribution towards giving people an alternative to the car, connecting them to jobs and services and …

    September 19th 2023
  • EEH urges further engagement on ticket office plans

    Proposed changes to railway ticket offices should not go ahead without further engagement with affected communities, England’s Economic Heartland has told train operators in its consultation response to the plans.

    Our response includes four key principles which should inform any changes that are made. These are:

    • Any proposed changes need to consider the issues of passenger safety, security and assistance carefully- all passengers should easily be able to access help …
    September 4th 2023
  • Work supports roll out of electric vehicle public charging points to meet huge, predicted growth in demand

    Work to ensure electric vehicle drivers have convenient access to charging points across eastern and central England is being supported by new data which identifies the best locations for EV infrastructure.

    The mapping tool and report from Transport East and England’s Economic Heartland, two of England’s sub-national transport bodies (STBs), suggests that more than 22,000 public charging points are required for their areas in the coming years to support the …

    August 22nd 2023
  • EEH welcomes Transport Committee's Strategic Road Investment Report

    In March EEH managing director Naomi Green gave evidence to the Transport Committee's inquiry into strategic road investment. Yesterday we welcomed publication of the committee's report.

    Its recommendations include a formalised engagement role for sub-national transport bodies such as EEH with National Highways.

    As Naomi told the committee, a formal role for STBs would mean that proposed schemes could be designed and finessed to better meet regional needs and account …

    July 28th 2023
  • Opportunities for active travel across boundaries highlighted in new strategy

    Opportunities to improve cross-boundary active travel links are detailed in the second part of England’s Economic Heartland’s active travel strategy.

    Fifteen links which have the highest potential impact on modal shift were identified from a combination of stakeholder input and analysis of data, including demographics, network coherence, public transport hubs, planned housing and employment sites, educational establishments and propensity to cycle.

    Part two of the strategy also contains suggested targets …

    July 19th 2023
  • EEH adding value to partners

    Adding value to our partners

    England’s Economic Heartland has published its annual report for 2022/23.

    The report details the work carried out by EEH over the last financial year, looks ahead to 2023/24 and includes a breakdown of the organisation’s financial performance.

    Subtitled ‘Adding Value’, this year’s report has a particular focus on the support EEH provides to its local authority partners. This includes a section on the geographically-specific work …

    July 19th 2023
  • Benefits of Ely Junction enhancements recognised at Parliament meeting

    Cross party, cross industry and cross country support for upgrading Ely rail junction was demonstrated as the East of England All-Party Parliamentary Group hosted the launch of EEH and Transport East’s brochure Keeping Trade on Track in Parliament on Monday 19 June.

    Co-chairs Peter Aldous MP and Daniel Zeichner MP were joined by Iain Stewart MP, Chair of the Transport Select Committee and Tan Dhesi MP, Labour Minister for Rail, …

    June 23rd 2023
  • New report highlights Ely’s importance in keeping Britain’s trade on track

    Keeping Trade on Track was updated in autumn 2024. Latest version here.

    Nationwide business and political support for increasing rail freight capacity at Ely is showcased in a new report produced by England’s Economic Heartland and Transport East.

    ‘Keeping Trade on Track’ highlights the importance of delivering the Ely Area Capacity Enhancement scheme, which would significantly increase the amount of rail freight heading to the Midlands and north from Felixstowe, …

    June 1st 2023
  • Government announces East West Rail route update

    The government has today announced its route update for East West Rail between Bletchley and Cambridge as part of an ambitious life sciences package to support economic growth across the UK. East West Rail is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for our region and the UK – EEH will work to ensure it has a positive and lasting legacy for the places it serves.

    Transport Secretary Mark Harper said: “The cities of …

    May 26th 2023
  • Your chance to help shape upcoming connectivity studies

    England’s Economic Heartland has launched a ‘call for evidence’ to inform the development of our next two connectivity studies: ‘Thames Valley-Buckinghamshire-Milton Keynes-Northampton’ and the ‘southern east-west corridor’ covering Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire.

    The connectivity studies are an important part of EEH’s work programme, developing an evidence base that shows what the most effective connectivity solutions are for key corridors across the region. The evidence captured will be used to shape …

    May 12th 2023