EEH Conference line-up revealed

September 27th 2023

With just over a month to go before our annual conference in Cambridge, we're revealing what promises to be our most engaging line-up of speakers and panellists to date.

Delegates will hear from (and be able to put their questions to) political leaders and senior figures and experts from local authorities, DfT, transport bodies, businesses, consultancies and universities - across a programme which we hope strikes an exciting balance between keynote speeches, panel discussions, break-out sessions and networking opportunities.

  • To attend the free conference, in association with headline sponsors AtkinsRealis, register here.
  • And to find out more about who will be appearing, see below or look at the programme in full.

Following Cambridge MP Daniel Zeichner's opening address, the day's first panel session on 'connnecting the science and technology' supercluster features a panel of Cllr Pete Marland, Leader, Milton Keynes Council; Dipesh J Shah OBE, Chair of Oxford-Cambridge Pan Regional Partnership and National Highways, Sarah Haywood, Managing Director, Advanced Oxford and Dr Kristin-Anne Rutter, Executive Director Cambridge University Health Partners.

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority mayor, Dr Nik Johnson, will then appear alongside Cllr Steven Broadbent, Chair of the East West Main Line Partnership, with Will Gallagher, Strategy Director, East West Railway Company and Gareth Powell, Managing Director, Stansted Airport.

Next, Cambridgeshire County Council leader Cllr Lucy Nethsingha will be joined by experts including Kirsty Austin, Future Transport Systems and Environment at DfT and Dan Ruiz, non-executive director, Office of Rail and Road, to discuss how a smarter, more connected transport system can transform the region.

Following a delicious hot lunch, the afternoon session will open with a discussion on local authority capacity and capability, which will feature Cllr Phil Bibby, Executive Member, Highways & Transport, Hertfordshire County Council, Jon Harris, Head of Strategic Transport, Swindon Borough Council, Marie-Claud Heming, Director of Operations, Civil Engineering Contractors Association and Dan Taylor, Deputy Director, Regional Partnerships and Delivery, Regions, Cities and Devolution, Roads and Local Group, DfT.

Our first breakout will give delegate a choice in finding out more about EEH's support to partners and government, including through tools, data and our work on buses.

This is followed by presentations from National Highways and Great British Railways, before a panel discussion on road and rail priorities which will include Cllr Phil Larratt, Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport, Highways and Waste, West Northamptonshire Council.

Our second breakout offers a trio of showcases to choose from: on Luton Airport's DART, active travel in Cambridgeshire or the regeneration of Peterborough Station.

And then our final session of the day will seek to 'join it all together' with a discussion on integration across both transport and digital connectivity, featuring Oz Choudhri, Head of Mobility Solutions - UK & Ireland, Enterprise and Sophie James, Head of Telecoms and Spectrum Policy, Tech UK.

Don't forget, following the close of the main conference, EEH will be hosting an exciting networking event for early stage professionals.